Do your thick, discolored, unsightly toenails cause you too much embarassment? Do you find yourself refusing to wear your sandals in the summer? Are you nervous that the infection will spread? Don’t worry, we are here to help!
Fungal toenails, or onychomycosis, are one of the most common conditions a podiatrist sees. Fungus is a naturally occurring component on the skin and nails, especially in the foot. If ignored, the fungus can cause an infection. Infection is especially prone when there has been a trauma to the toenail.
Are you unsure if your toenail is fungal? If your toenail appears thickened, yellowish, and crumble, chances are you have a fungal infection. People who have some immune compromise, such as diabetics, are more likely candidates for fungal infections. These people are also at risk for more severe infections if the fungal infection is ignored.
How do you treat fungal infections? There are many over-the-counter medications and preparations available, as well as many popular home remedies, which provide no cure. Fortunately, the podiatrists here at Shenandoah Valley Podiatry can evaluate and treat fungal infections with various medications that provide complete cures. No more “ugly” toenails for you!
Whether it be a prescription topical medication or an oral medication, a cure is possible. Remember, the nail is slow to clear so make your appointment today. We will cure you of your infection AND your embarrassment!