A hammertoe is a bending of the toe at the first joint of the digit, called the proximal interphalangeal joint. Flexible hammertoes are still moveable at the joint and are less serious as they can be treated while still in the developmental stage. Splints such as Yoga Toes can help. Rigid hammertoes are more advanced than the flexible condition. The joint is misaligned and immobile, making surgery the usual course of treatment. Hammertoes are more common to females than males.
Hammertoes are formed due a muscle imbalance in the toes. This imbalance causes increased pressures on the tendons and joints of the toe, leading to its contracture. There is a strong hereditary predisposition to develop hammertoes, although shoes, trauma and arthritis can also contribute.
Your feet should not hurt. If you are suffering from hammertoes, call your local podiatrist to discuss the best option for you. If you live near Roanoke, VA, I'd love to help you at Shenandoah Podiatry.