Metatarsalgia is a foot condition involving pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot just behind the toes. Pain may range between sharp, aching, or burning. Other symptoms may include pain that worsens with standing, walking, foot flexing, or running and improves with rest; sharp or shooting pain, numbness, or tingling in the toes; or increased pain when walking barefoot. Some patients describe a sensation similar to walking on pebbles. The primary cause of metatarsalgia is due to excessive pressure on the metatarsals, the bones that connect to the toes. Runners and others who participate in high-impact sports are most susceptible to metatarsalgia. Certain foot structures may also make a person more vulnerable to the condition.
Correcting foot problems has greatly improved over the past few years. Today’s newer treatments and techniques include special foot care products, custom orthotics, innovative, less invasive surgeries, even joint replacement. Your feet are not supposed to hurt. When they do, we are available at SHENANDOAH PODIATRY to ease your pain and get you walking in comfort.
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