Golf legend Jack Nicklaus says the feet lead the way in golf, playing a critical role in timing, balance, distance, and direction. Lively feet, says Nicklaus, are the key to a great golf score. To improve your golf game and prevent injury, start by wearing proper golf shoes that will be comfortable over the four or five miles of a typical round. Stretch your feet and legs before golfing. For maximum results, maintain proper foot alignment during your swing. During the back swing, keep weight evenly distributed on the back foot while rolling the front foot in. A good downswing requires a quick weight shift from back to front, with the back foot rolling in and the front foot rolling out.
For those who participate in sports activities of all kinds, professional attention and guidance can help reduce the potential for discomfort and injury. Since all difficulties with your feet can adversely affect you comfort and lifestyle, SHENANDOAH PODIATRY invites your call for an appointment to maximize your health and well-being. We can’t promise you a better golf score but we can promise you comprehensive foot care geared to your personal needs. We can often accommodate same-day appointments.
Dedicated To Your Healthy Feet,
Dr. Jennifer Feeny