Thursday, February 19, 2009

Black Toenails

Do you have a long-distance runner in your circle of family and friends? If so, you may have seen an occasional black toenail. Common among marathoners and other athletes, black toenails occur when the top of the toenail continuously bangs against the running shoe and causes bruising under the nail. Black toenails rarely cause pain or discomfort, except for possibly preventing a person from wearing open-toed shoes. But the bruising does create a environment that encourages fungal infections under the toenail. Trimming the affected nail and applying an anti-fungal/antibacterial medication can prevent infection. Diabetics need too pay careful attention to toenails that darken suddenly as it could be a sign of a diabetic complication.
Feet seem especially susceptible to nail problems of all kinds, including black toenails and fungal infections. It might be because of the trauma they endure in shoes, or all the time they spend in dark,moist places, or perhaps just lack attention. Whatever the cause, your podiatrist is well-equipped to help provide the cure, from medication to surgery. When your feet hurt, don't take another step until you see SHENANDOAH PODIATRY for family foot care. Same day appointments are often accommodated.

Dedicated To Your Healthy Feet,

Dr. Jennifer Feeny

P.S. To prevent black toenails, choose properly fitting shoes and stretch calf muscles to decrease the impact of toes hitting the shoe when running.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Therapeutic reflexology, a popular therapy around the world, involves massaging the nerve endings of the feet to reduce stress and tension and promote healing in other areas of the body. The practice is based on the ideas that our body parts are reflected in the feet, with the front of the body on the sole of the feet and the back of the body on tops. For example, massaging the toes can help relieve headaches and other symptoms in the head. Massaging the anklebone can help with hip problems. The feet have always played an important role in healing, and reflexology dates back to 2500 BC. Some podiatric offices are now hiring therapeutic reflexologists as a complementary service.
It's always a good idea to listen to your feet, as they often have lots to tell you, including giving you clues about the rest of your body's well-being. When your feet tell you there's trouble somewhere, as your podiatrist, SHENANDOAH PODIATRY will work as a team with you, and other healthcare providers if appropriate, to keep you and your feet healthy and pain free. Feet that feel good make the rest of you feel good, too, so why not give us a call and start the process today.

Dedicated To Your Healthy Feet,

Dr. Jennifer Feeny

P.S. Eunice Ingham is widely recognized as the grandmother of modern reflexology for transforming its theory into a practical therapy.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Millions of kids are involved in several sports, which is a good thing overall. But because many sports are hard on the feet--- and a child's bones, ligaments, and tendons aren't fully developed, stress-related foot injuries are common. Heel growth plate inflammation, a risk until age 13 to 16, can occur due to muscle strain and repetitive stress. Achilles tendonitis occurs most often after age 14 and results from stressful running and pounding. Tendo-Achilles bursitis is an inflammation of the fluid-filled sac between the Achilles tendon and heel bone. Plantar fasciitis is heel pain triggered by inflammation along the tissue spanning the sole of the foot. Stress fractures and hairline bone fractures caused by overuse.
Young or old, athletically inclined or not, no one can afford to play games with foot injuries, fractures, diseases, or disorders. Podiatric problems demand the attention of a professional. Don't let foot concerns keep you on the sidelines. Consult with us instead at SHENANDOAH PODIATRY . We offer treatment of specific problems as well as preventive care to keep you on your feet. Please call us for an appointment. Same day appointments are often accommodated.

Dedicated To Your Healthy Feet,

Dr. Jennifer Feeny

P.S. Do not allow your child to continue playing a sport if he or she is in pain. Find out the cause of it to prevent chronic problems.