Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Running for Women: An Uphill Trend

According to Running USA, over 10 million people finished a race last year. Running has taken on a huge growth in general over the past couple of years. Research shows that running as a form of exercise tends to increase in a bad economy, and with our economic situation running can be an appealing alternative to paying large sums of money for gym memberships.

However, money isn't the only reason for this increase. Many women run for the social aspect. "There's about 10 of us that will travel somewhere in the US. We'll say, 'This is where we're gonna go,' and we all pitch in and we get hotel rooms for all of us," says runner Hillary Mancuso.

Running is an excellent, inexpensive, effective form of exercise. So grab a pair of well-fitted and supportive running shoes, fill up a water bottle, stretch and warm up your muscles, and most of all have fun!

To read more, visit the article from WRCBtv Chattanooga News at

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