Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tis the season for foot fungus

We are enjoying the warmer temperatures and water activities are soon to be in full swing. While the activities are relaxing and cooling there are some little friends that you may not want to take home with you. Public pools are a great resource for recreation in communities but with the public use there can be increased incidence of contracting fungal infections. The public showers available can be a source of contracting fungal infections, most commonly, tinea pedis, aka athlete’s foot. It is important to take precautions while using public facilities. If using the shower facilities wear flip flops or water shoes that will prevent your feet coming into contact with the floor, also protect your feet when lounging pool side as well. Bacteria can hide anywhere and any break in your skin is a potential avenue for entry. Bacteria love the damp, warm environment that showers and locker rooms provide.
Athlete’s foot can be spread by direct contact and is characterized by skin peeling and itching on the soles and sides of the feet. There may also be scaling and redness. Other skin conditions can have the same symptoms so it is important to get the correct diagnosis. Using an over the counter medication, that is not sufficient can make the condition worse or not provide any relief. Once treated and symptoms relieved, remember athlete’s foot can return. So it is important to keep your feet clean and dry, do not wear anyone else’s shoes, and wear cotton or synthetic socks to absorb perspiration. If participating in outdoor activities, long runs or hiking, be sure to change your socks frequently to prevent an environment that encourages bacterial growth.
If you are experiencing a troublesome foot condition, contact your podiatrist for expert medical treatment. Be an advocate for your foot health.

For more information visit our website http://www.roanokefoot.com/

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